Having a clear view of the businesses key performance indicators and cash flow performance from one year to the next empowers farmers to improve financial decisions to increase businesses profitability and reduce current and potential financial risks.
All farmers need to know exactly how their business is performing. Formulating plans based on this information and measuring the outcome of decisions on a regular basis enables improved planning and decision making.
Agreview is a program that consolidates financial information with physical production data to provide a range of farm specific key performance ratios , reports and tables that provide a detailed insight into the financial performance of the business , including current and potential risks and trends.

Equipment Purchase & Replacement – Agrequip
Crop production involves a large investment in plant and equipment that depreciates rapidly in value and condition. With regular advancements in technology farmers are constantly faced with the decision of whether to replace or upgrading items of plant.
As we move into the future it is becoming obvious that the cost of maintaining appropriate plant and equipment is escalating faster than the increase in farm production and profitability. As a result these decisions have become major financial decisions, that if made incorrectly, can have a significant impact on available cash flow , profitability and long term sustainably.
When it comes to these decisions farmers can control the timing of the acquisition, the amount paid and the method of financing the cash outlay. These are critical decisions that many farmers are failing to address due to the complexity of the process.
The Agrequip program assists farmers in this exercise as it provides a structured decision making approach , combined with financial calculators and visual reports so farmers can assess various purchasing and financing scenarios prior to making decisions. There are multiple ways in which to structure acquisitions and finance.
The whole emphasis of the program is to encourage the user to think about these decisions prior to out laying large amounts of capital inefficiently.